Ansible Essentials 101 (A101E) - Lab Topology
Lab Topology
- SSH client and server configs
- RSA key gen
- Methods for Installing Ansible
- Ansible Host Inventory
- Ad-Hoc Modules and Gather Facts
- Elevated Ad-Hoc Commands
- Running your first Playbook
- Ad-Hoc Raw Commands
- Debug, Loops, and YAML Lists
- When Conditionals, YAML Dictionaries, and Jinja
- ansible.cfg setup
- Building Playbooks - Bootstrap with raw, group and user Modules
- Mapping YAML Vars Files in Playbooks
- Ansible Modules - shell
- Ansible Module - copy
- Ansible Module - apt
- Ansible Module - yum
- Ansible Module - get_url
- Ansible Module - file
- Ansible Module - git
- Ansible Module - template
- Playbook Tags
- Ansible Module - lineinfile and replace
- Manually Launch an OpenStack Instance
- OpenStack, Ansible and Shade
- YAML, JSON, Dynamic, and Cloud Inventories
- Configuring a Web Service with Ansible
- nsible Handlers
- Ansible Error Handling
- pre_tasks, roles, tasks, post_tasks, and handlers
- Exploring Switches with Ansible
- network_cli Playbook
- Backup and Save Config - Cisco, Juniper, Arista, and Many More!
- Network Playbooks and Vendor Specific Modules
- Simplifying Network Playbooks with Agnostic Modules
- Reading Variables into Playbooks
- Ansible script module
- Ansible Lookup Plugin
- Ansible Playbook Output Logging
- Ansible Keywords - register and when
- Ansible Galaxy
- Ansible Vault
- Ansible Tower
- (Optional Case Study) Ansible for Palo Alto PanOS and Panorama
- (Optional Case Study) Ansible for Juniper Junos Core and Role Modules
- (Optional Case Study) Ansible for VMWare NSX Networking
- (Optional Case Study) Ansible NAPALM for Network Automation
- (Optional Case Study) Ansible Dell EMC PowerMax Flash Storage Automation