Developing Microservices (DMS) - Lab Topology
Lab Topology
- Microservices Design and Engineering: Course Outline
- Welcome to Alta3 Research Labs
- Vim: A Modal Text Editor
- Efficient CLI Usage with Tmux
- Revision Control with GitHub
- Deploying a Monolithic Application
- Verifying the Application Deployment
- Developing a Service Registry
- Connecting to a Service Registry
- Creating Your First Microservice
- Containerizing Your Microservice
- Integrating Your Microservice With Your Monolith
- Creating and Containerizing More Microservices
- Integrating More Microservices with the Monolith
- CHALLENGE LAB! Containerize Your Service Registry
- Inspecting Your Microservice with mitmproxy
- Install Jenkins
- Use Jenkins to Test our Code
- Deploying the Microservices with Docker Compose
- Creating a Container Registry
- Deploying the Microservices with Kubernetes