Python 204 - Python and Django (PDWAD) - Lab Topology
Lab Topology
- Using vim
- Making a GitHub account
- Getting dir(obj) help() and pydoc
- Lists
- Dictionaries
- List and Dict Modeling
- try and except
- Python Data to JSON file
- Python Data to YAML file
- pandas dataframes - MS Excel, csv, json, HTML and beyond
- Started with Django
- Setting up a Django development environment
- The Local Library website
- Creating a skeleton website
- Using models
- Django admin site
- Creating our home page
- Django by Error Messages
- Register an App
- Django Routes
- Django Views
- Django and Jinja Templating
- Django's Double Folder Structure
- Generic list and detail views
- Sessions framework
- User authentication and permissions
- Working with forms
- Testing a Django web application
- Deploying Django to production
- Django web application security
- Glossary