Trainer Certification Program (TCP)


Course Overview

This course consists of 12 lessons that provide teachers, coaches and trainers concepts, tools, and best practices that will enable them to teach high quality classes using real world examples in both virtual and face-to-face settings. Throughout this course, trainees will learn the key concepts to teaching adult learners, become familiar with an instructional design model that will help plan and teach classes in a structured manner, and understand the importance of preparing and planning for a successful learning session.

In addition, the trainee will acquire tools that will allow them to deliver compelling presentations, learn techniques to help maximize the understanding of new content, and discover best practices for asking and answering questions, handling difficult situations, and including humor in the classroom.

Throughout this course, trainees will receive feedback and suggestions for improvement. This course will be highly interactive and is designed to help build confidence for delivering quality training classes.


Diagnostic Evaluation Before a trainee can attend this course, they must go through a diagnostic evaluation. Each trainee must submit a recorded video of themself delivering a class. This video must be submitted one week before the course start date, so the instructor has enough time to evaluate them prior to class.

This video must have the following:

    • Topic to be chosen by the trainer: it is essential that the class is aimed at students with no prior knowledge of the topic. • The duration of the video must be between 5-7 minutes. • The trainee must appear on a camera for the entire duration of the video. • The video format must be MP4.

The trainee will receive their diagnostic evaluation on the first day of class so they can target areas of improvement during the course.

Capstone/Final Evaluation: Each trainee is required to conduct a final presentation on the last day of class. Each presentation will be 20 minutes (15-minute delivery and 5 minutes of feedback from the instructor). We encourage trainees to review their diagnostic video submissions and incorporate any feedback/tips that they have learned throughout the course.

Face-to-face feedback in class will be limited to the instructor pointing out strengths of the trainee, as well as their main areas of improvement.

One week after completing the course, trainees will receive an evaluation rubric of their final presentation with descriptors of their performance, as well as some suggestions on how they can improve. The evaluation will inform the trainee if they have passed or failed their presentation.

If the trainee fails their first evaluation, they can reschedule another evaluation after 2 weeks to ensure there is enough time to incorporate feedback that was provided in the evaluation. If they fail a second time, they must wait 2 months to reschedule.

Course Objectives

  • Understand the six fundamental keys to adult learning
  • Learn how to write an effective agenda and keep to the agenda
  • Learn how to set clear objectives and outcomes
  • Understand the basic concepts of class planning
  • Effectively identify and remediate your own nervous habits
  • Understand what a learning moment is and how to apply it in the planning and execution of classes
  • Ensure you establish credibility on the topic by sharing your credentials
  • Learn best practices for starting a course
  • Develop open effective communications with learners
  • Best practices and how to apply whiteboarding in face-to-face and virtual classes
  • Learn about potential obstacles that may arise in classes, and how to overcome them
  • Learn how to ask/answer questions during class to maximize engagement
  • Discover the importance of including all students in the class to prevent bias
  • Understand best practices, and tips to incorporate your personality style into class, whether it be humor or a fun game. Bring yourself!
  • Make use of multiple technological tools to improve engagement within face-to-face and virtual environments
  • Learn how to effectively utilize analogies to bring difficult topics into focus
  • Learn effective ways to drive engagement through polls, exercises, and quizzes
  • Effectively identify and remediate problem students
  • Use breakout sessions to help students effectively engage with others
  • Support learner-to-learner engagement
  • How to effectively use real-world examples in your instruction
  • Understand the importance of closing the class properly
  • Concluding a class with an effective call to action/immediate application

Outline: Trainer Certification Program (TCP)

Andragogy: 6 Fundamental Keys to Adult Learning

This module will help trainees understand how adults learn and what key aspects of their class should be considered to ensure their students have the best learning experience. Andragogy vs Pedagogy

  • Who is considered an adult?
  • The keys to adult learning
  • The need to know
  • The personal concept
  • The previous experience
  • The willingness to learn
  • The inclination to learn
  • The motivation

Class Structure: 9 Learning Moments

With this module, the trainee will learn an instructional design model that will serve as a reference to plan and present complete and structured classes that achieve the learning objectives. The 9 learning moments:

  • Gain student's attention
  • Present the learning objectives
  • Stimulate prior knowledge
  • Present new information
  • Provide guidance
  • Practice
  • Provide feedback
  • Evaluate course performance
  • Reinforce what you have learned and put it into practice

Preparation and Planning for Your Class

In this module, the trainee will learn the elements and activities that must be considered prior to teaching a class.

  • Preparing your lesson plans
  • Understand student expectations/goals
  • Elements of effective planning
  • Understand lesson plan objectives
  • Review of materials
  • Review of learning activities/hands-on exercises
  • Time requirements
  • Related requirements
  • Evaluation
  • Self-assessment and reflections
  • Subject domain?
  • Review of the workspace and capabilities – virtual and/or onsite
  • Testing technical equipment and preparing backups

Class Opening

This section will address the moment of opening a lesson. The trainee will learn the actions that they can carry out to start their class with a learning environment in which the students feel safe and confident, as well as elements that must be presented at the beginning of the session.

  • Creating a positive learning environment
  • What is rapport?
  • How to create rapport?
  • Creating an environment suitable for learning
  • Introducing yourself
  • Present class rules
  • Present the learning objectives
  • Present and review the agenda
  • Benefits of breaking the ice
    • Example ice breakers
  • Energizers

How to Improve Your Presentation

In this section, trainees will discover elements that will help them make better presentations for students. The class begins with some elements that will help catch student's’ attention, as well as improve their understanding of the subject, to continue with aspects of non-verbal communication that must be taken care of in order to retain the interest of their students and project confidence and credibility.

  • How to create interest to maximize retention
  • Involve the attendees
  • Making demonstrations
  • How to give instructions
  • Non-verbal communication
    • Importance and usefulness
  • Communicate with the voice, The 6 p's for a correct use of the voice
    • Pace
    • Projection
    • Pitch
    • Passion
    • Pause
    • Pronunciation
  • Fillers
  • How to exercise your voice
    • Warm up exercises
    • Cool down exercises
  • Communicate with your body in virtual and face-to-face classes
  • Webcam use during class
    • Importance and considerations
    • When to turn on the camera
    • Preparation before turning on the camera
    • Encouraging student to turn on the camera
  • Body Aspects to Consider
    • Smile
    • Position
    • Movement
    • Behavior
    • Appearance
    • Eyes
    • Arms and Hands
    • How to provide instructions


In this section, the trainee will learn how to incorporate whiteboarding during a virtual or face-to-face class, learn about its importance, as well as some tips, and best practices for a successful incorporation.

  • Whiteboarding
    • Utility
    • Good practices
    • Tips
  • Types of boards
    • Traditional boards
    • Interactive boards
    • Non-interactive boards
  • Slides

Handling Difficult Situations

For this section, the coach will teach about the most common difficult situations that can be faced during a class, as well as tips and best practices to successfully overcome these difficulties.

  • How to handle difficult situations from your students
  • Anticipate bad behaviors
  • Archetypes
    • The talkative
    • The complainer
    • The skeptic
    • Plant
    • The joker
    • The conspirators
  • Our attitude towards the archetypes
  • How to deal with resistance to change
  • How to handle difficult personal situations

How to Ask and Answer Questions

This section of the class will help the trainee ask and answer questions appropriately, through considerations, guidelines, good practices, and include tips that can be put into practice during a class.

  • Encourage students to ask questions
  • Importance of students asking questions
  • How to help students ask
  • Question categories
  • Training questions
  • Test questions
  • Types of questions
  • Types of questions according to the moments of the class
  • Ways to ask questions
  • Sequential questions
  • Random questions
  • Popcorn questions
  • How to react to your students' answers
  • Importance of reacting appropriately
  • Ways to react to an answer
  • How to answer your students' questions
  • Student's reasons for asking
  • Guidelines for answering questions
  • Asking and answering do´s and don’ts
  • How to address questions you don’t have the answer to

Inclusion in the Classroom

In this section, the trainee will learn the importance of teaching classes in which all students can participate freely, as well as some tips to achieve it.

  • Importance of inclusion in the classroom
  • Inclusion concept
  • Examples of diversity in the classroom
  • Inclusive language
  • Importance of inclusive language
  • Guidelines for speaking in an inclusive and respectful manner

Use of Humor in the Classroom

During this section of class, the trainee will discover the importance of incorporating humor into their classes, in addition to knowing some ways and tips to help them do it properly.

  • Importance of humor in class.
  • Ways to incorporate humor
  • How to ruin a good joke
  • Tips to successfully incorporate humor into a class

Closing the Class

This section addresses the closing moments of a lesson, with trainees learning about the events that must occur to end a learning session properly, as well as some ways in which the closing can be carried out in a creative and motivating way.

  • Wrap up
  • Concept and importance
  • Utility for the teacher
  • Utility for students
  • Examples of wrap-ups
  • Summary of the session
  • Ways to close a session in a memorable way
  • Call to action
  • Concept
  • Considerations
  • Characteristics of a good call to action
  • Provide feedback
  • Eight rules to provide effective feedback

Handle Nervousness Before and During a Class

In this section, the trainee will identify the most common symptoms of nervousness before and during a class. In addition, they will learn some tips to have better control of them so that they don´t have a negative impact on their performance as a teacher.

  • Preparation
  • Technical
  • Physical
  • Mental
  • Nervousness symptoms
  • Tips to control the symptoms of the nervousness

Incorporation of Technology in Virtual and Face-to-Face Classes

This portion of class addresses a range of necessary, recommended, and useful technological tools to deliver a successful, interactive and interesting online and face to face class for the student.

  • Proper set up for an online class
  • Testing
  • Basic hardware
  • Recommended hardware
  • Network options
  • Video conferencing platforms
  • Importance
  • Microsoft Teams
    • General information
    • Differentiators
    • Walkthrough/Demo
  • Cisco Webex
    • General information
    • Differentiators
    • Walkthrough/Demo
  • Zoom
    • General information
    • Differentiators
    • Walkthrough/Demo
  • Google Meet
    • General information
    • Differentiators
    • Walkthrough/Demo
  • Tools to present content / Slides
    • Importance
    • Uses and benefits
    • Examples of tools
      • PowerPoint
      • Sway
      • Google Slide
      • Prezi
      • Canvas
      • Other tools
  • Whiteboarding tools
    • Importance
    • Uses and benefits
    • Tool Examples
      • Microsoft whiteboard
      • Google-Jamboard
      • Miro
      • Other whiteboard tools
  • Slides
    • Tools included in the operating system
    • Tools included in the videoconference platform
  • Tools for making quizzes
    • Importance
    • Applications
    • Benefits
    • Examples of tools
    • Forms (Microsoft and Google)
    • Mentimeter
    • Kahoot
    • Quizlets
    • Quizzes
    • Other tools
  • Tools to measure time
    • Importance and uses
    • Tool Examples
    • Clock integrated into the operating system
    • Other timing tools
  • Tools to Play
    • Importance
    • Uses and benefits
    • Tool Examples
  • Other technological tools
    • Pointers
    • Random draws

Prices & Delivery methods

Online Training

4 days

  • US$ 2,595

Click on town name or "Online Training" to book Schedule

Instructor-led Online Training:   This is an Instructor-Led Online (ILO) course. These sessions are conducted via WebEx in a VoIP environment and require an Internet Connection and headset with microphone connected to your computer or laptop.

United States

Online Training 09:00 US/Central Enroll