Protecting SQL Server (PROTSQL)


Course Overview

This course covers the deployment of the SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server. In this course, you learn about the features of the plug-in and how to install and perform initial configuration of the plug-in. You learn how to protect, clone, and restore Microsoft SQL Server databases by using SnapCenter software. Through instructor-led presentations, you gain knowledge about these topics. Hands-on exercises provide you with experience in performing these tasks.

Who should attend

  • NetApp and NetApp Partner Professional Services
  • Systems Engineers
  • NetApp Customers

Course Objectives

In this course, you will learn the following:

  • Describe the features of the Microsoft SQL Server Plug-in
  • List the workflow for using SnapCenter software to protect Microsoft SQL Server databases
  • Explain how SnapCenter software uses NetApp technology to protect SQL Server databases
  • Illustrate the recommended NetApp storage layouts to support SQL Server data
  • Describe data protection strategies for SQL Server databases by using SnapCenter software
  • Demonstrate how to configure and perform SQL Server database backups by using SnapCenter software
  • Demonstrate SQL Server database restores that use SnapCenter software
  • Describe cloning strategies that use SnapCenter software and NetApp technology
  • Build alerting and reporting operations for Plug-in for SQL Server

Outline: Protecting SQL Server (PROTSQL)

Module 1: SnapCenter Plug-In for Microsoft SQL Server Overview

  • Features
  • MS SQL server data protection workflow

Module 2: Getting Started with the SnapCenter Plug-In for MS SQL Server

  • Prerequisite tasks for using the Plug-In
  • Installation steps for the Plug-in
  • Plug-in configuration
  • Storage layout recommendations and restrictions
  • Storage design for a virtualized environment

Module 3: Data Migration

  • Resource wizard
  • Importing from SnapManager software

Module 4: Creating and Backing up SQL Server Resources

  • Data protection strategy
  • Backing up SQL server databases

Module 5: Restoring SQL Server Resources

  • Defining a restore strategy
  • Restoring SQL server databases

Module 6: Cloning SQL Server Databases

  • Defining a cloning strategy
  • Cloning a SQL server database backup
  • Splitting a SQL server cloned database
  • Clone lifecycle management

Module 7: Monitoring and Managing SQL Server Operations

  • Monitoring operations
  • Canceling a database backup operation
  • Monitoring and managing a thin-provisioned environment
  • Setting thresholds, alerts and reports


  • Configuring SnapCenter and install plug-ins for MS SQL Server
  • Migrating databases
  • Protecting a MS SQL server database
  • Restoring a MS SQL server database
  • Cloning a MS SQL server database
  • Performing management and monitoring tasks by using SnapCenter software and NetApp ONTAP system manager

Appendix A - Challenge labs:

  • Migrating a database from existing volume to a new volume
  • Configuring backup and replication for the newly migrated database
  • Configuring a clone lifecycle for the development team
  • Performing a point-in-time restore to remove database corruption

Prices & Delivery methods

Online Training

2 days

  • US $ 2,022
  • NetApp Training Units: 24 NTU
    NTUs may not have the same redemption value if used in a country other than where they were purchased.
Classroom Training

2 days

  • United States: US $ 2,022
  • NetApp Training Units: 24 NTU
    NTUs may not have the same redemption value if used in a country other than where they were purchased.

Click on town name or "Online Training" to book Schedule

Instructor-led Online Training:   This is an Instructor-Led Online (ILO) course. These sessions are conducted via WebEx in a VoIP environment and require an Internet Connection and headset with microphone connected to your computer or laptop. If you have any questions about our online courses, feel free to contact us via phone or Email anytime.


Online Training Time zone: Central European Summer Time (CEST) Enroll
Online Training Time zone: Central European Time (CET) Enroll

United Kingdom

Online Training Time zone: British Summer Time (BST) Enroll
Online Training Time zone: British Summer Time (BST) Enroll
Online Training Time zone: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) Enroll